Cycle of conferences in Cavaillon to get to know the holy catechist

Cavaillon, the birthplace of César de Bus, celebrates, with a cycle of six conferences in the Salle du Moulin Saint-Julien, the founder of the Doctrinary Fathers, born on 3 February 1544 and recognized as a saint in 2021.

First appointment on November 20 at 2.30 pm with “César De Bus and the Catholic Reformation in France”. Nicole Lemaitre, professor emeritus at the Sorbonne University School of History, retraces the years between the 16th and 17th centuries that profoundly marked the life of the Church and of Father César.
“The work of César De Bus in Avignon” is the theme of the meeting on 21 January 2022 at 6.30 pm with Father Daniel Bréhier, rector of the metropolitan basilica Notre-Dame des-Doms, in Avignon, while on Friday 18 March at 6 pm , 30 Father Sergio La Pegna, superior general of the Doctrinary Fathers, will tell about the founders “Spirituality and catechism”.
“César de Bus and the wars of religion” is the theme of March 26 at 2.30 pm with Hugues Daussy of the Franche-Comté University, while on Friday April 29, at 6.30 pm, Christian Renoux, Université d’Orleans will address the “Canonization of César de Bus in the light of the history of canonization” between the 17th and 21st centuries.
Closed on 10 June at 6.30 pm. Father Bernard Ardura Padre Bernard Ardura, postulator of the cause of Charles de Foucauld and president of the Pontifical Committee for Historical Sciences, will question the points of contact between the two new saints, Charles de Foucauld and César de Bus, sons of France.