Liturgical feast of San Cesare in all the doctrinaire communities, this year on April 17, the first day after the Easter Octave. In Santa Maria in Monticelli, the general house in Rome, as per tradition, all the doctrinaire professed renewed their vows in front of the urn with the remains of the founder. The feast was enriched by the presence of a large representation of members of the Doctrinarian Fraternity of the Word, of the Doctrinarian Family Movement, by parishioners of Sant’Andrea Apostolo, the parish at the tomb of Nero, on the Cassia, and by the novices of the Cesar de Bus International Seminary . The parish priest of the basilica of San Lorenzo in Damaso, Don Ivan Grigis, took part in the concelebration at 7 pm, on whose territory the church of Santa Maria in Monticelli is located. At the end, the fathers continued the celebrations one year after the canonization of Father Cesare with a convivial dinner.