The Doctrinarian Family Movement will live the annual camp from 22 to 25 April in Morlupo, near Rome.

The Doctrinarian Family Movement last May 15 in Rome for the canonization of Father Cesare.

The Doctrinarian Family Movement last May 15 in Rome for the canonization of Father Cesare.

It will be a moment of verification of the progress of the Movement and the participating families will resume the thematic path of the last few years, a fresh start after the meeting during the canonization of Father Cesare last May 15th. Sunday 23 the Family Movement will be in Rome in the general house of the Doctrinaries in Santa Maria in Monticelli for a reflection on the charism and the Mass on the tomb of the saint; Monday 24 will alternate moments of lectio, prayer and review in groups of the journey made so far.

Grazia Interlandi Micheletti